Drop Off

Pick Up

Drop off/Morning Arrival:
- Students are dropped off in the mornings at the blue doors on the left side of the building.
- The doors open at 7:15am each day.
- Breakfast is served from 7:15AM-7:40AM. Students who wish to eat breakfast should report to the cafeteria.
- Upon arrival, middle school students are expected to go to the auditorium until class begins.
- Upon arrival, high school students are expected to go to the cafeteria until class begins.
- All students, grades 6-12 are considered tardy after 7:45AM.
- If arriving after 7:45AM, parents/guardians MUST sign their child in at the front office before the student will be allowed to go to class.
Pick up/Afternoon Dismissal:
- The day ends for all students at 2:56PM and students are released through the red doors (High School) and blue doors (Middle School) on the left side of the building.
- Parents are expected to pick up their students at the end of the school day.
- Supervision is provided outside until 3:10 at which time teachers re-enter the building for clubs, tutoring, and other events to finish the day.
- TMSA does partner with several local YMCA's, the Boys and Girls Club, and Drop and Play, who pick up students at our school. If you have a question about whether or not your organization picks up children at our school, please contact them directly.