Maya Angelou once said that “Diversity makes for a rich tapestry…and all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter their color.”
On Saturday, May 21st, TMSA hosted a Multicultural Festival to celebrate our diverse community and to promote cultural understanding. A group of our talented high school and middle school students teamed up to organize the festival in only a few weeks, and with EOG and EOC testing taking place.
They represented the diversity of cultures and countries at TMSA through powerful performances, informational boards, and a beautiful fashion show led by MISS TMSA. With over fifteen countries celebrated, the event was a success. Mrs. Marikay Abuzuaiter, Greensboro City Council At Large, and Mr. Ben Karaduman, TMSA Public Charter Schools Superintendent, shared inspiring words with the audience that packed the auditorium.
Many parents brought cuisine and artifacts that represented their countries. Attendees commented that the event was creative, entertaining, and educational. It was also full of love and pride in the countries and cultures of TMSA.
Thank you parents, students, and the team of teachers and staff members who gave up many hours of their busy time to make this event possible.