Thanksgiving Message from the Principal's Desk
Posted on 11/23/2022
Dear TMSA Families, Students and Staff,
Designated times and dates in our lives make it easier for us to recognize and appreciate all the goodness around us, in particular during those specific time intervals... On the other hand, while having a sense of gratitude is a powerful character trait that many people will have respect for, not many people always comprehend the bigger picture on the true meaning of appreciation and gratefulness.
It is way easier to be thankful for the tangible, positive outcomes, the great scores, the shining awards, however, usually the painful steps, the struggles and the hardships experienced on the way, usually do not receive the same acknowledgement. Being thankful for the fresh eggs we enjoy on a beautiful fall breakfast table is common sense, however, recognizing the hardship the chicken had to go through before and while laying that egg may be an out of sight-out of mind dilemma. Enjoying the delicious honeycrisp apple while taking a crisp bite on the tongue and awesome flavor in the nose is an undeniable ground for appreciation, however, remembering the three to four month of growth process for that fruit, is not something we all think about during that moment of pleasure.
As the TMSA Learning Community we truly have been blessed with thousands of great outcomes each and everyday for all our students. We are extremely excited about all of our stakeholders' growth at TMSA, whether that's a mile a day growth for some, or an inch a day for some others... We are grateful for all. We are also grateful for all the painful learning curves that we have been going through while overcoming some challenges via some interventions we do experience. Change is not easy, but if the outcome will be a butterfly, metamorphosis, a non-negotiable, positive, productive struggle is a must!!!
May we all be blessed with the true sense of gratitude for all the greatness we experience at Triad Math And Science Academy!
Happy Thanksgiving!